Being healthy is all about your body’s ability to adapt to your environment. At BESANA Health & Wellness, we are on a mission to help you feel amazing both inside and out, and it’s our job to keep inspiring you to live your best life!
If you’re working hard to make healthy lifestyle choices, increase energy, and maybe lighten your load a bit, summer is a great time to start. Here are a few clinically supported tips for boosting your vitality.
•Just say no to acidity.
Did you know fat is acidic, and sugar is highly acidic in a processed form? Stress also forms acids in the body, while a sedentary lifestyle allows acids to increase. Why is the level of acidity in your body significant? Acid spikes inflammation, and inflammation contributes to inflammatory diseases such as cancer, heart and vascular disease, arthritis, and more. If we want to decrease our risk for disease and boost our health, we need to decrease inflammation by lowering our acidity levels.
•Lighten up!
Research shows some of the best ways to lower acidity, inflammation, and stress is eating “lite,” which refers to eating as many Lite and Living foods as possible in the summer season. Lite foods include all living plant foods and fruits, and the lightest living fluid — pure water — as well as pure omega oils and moderate lean protiens. These Lite and Living foods contain all the acid buffers and minerals your body needs to lower acidity, curb inflammation, and maintain optimal balance and vitality within your body. Easy to digest, Lite foods feed us Living enzymes and fuel our energy for summer fun, not to mention lowering stress and fatigue while also helping us shed a few pounds.
Studies have shown the following a Lite, or “buffering foods,” diet helps to control sugar imbalance and curb insulin. Insulin helps your body store fat, so reducing it can help you slim your middle for a better fit in those summer outfits.
The simplest way to go Lite is removing as many processed foods as possible, regardless of whether they are standard, natural, or organic. If it’s alive, fresh, and vibrant, summer is the time to eat it. There are over 128 varieties of plant foods and fruits — how many Lite and Live foods do you eat?
Feeling inspired yet? You’re not alone on your self-care journey! Let BESANA be your wellness partner! To learn more health tips for living your best life, please call 303.327.7300 or request a consultation online today.
—Dr. Messer