How are you doing right now? Are you taking good care of yourself? The reason we ask is that self-care can elude even the most “fit” people during stressful times. Stress is a subversive enemy, a silent, destructive force that — if left unchecked — can rob us of motivation and hope. To help you stay strong and carry on during this uncertain time, here are a few wellness tips we’ve stored up our sleeve, so to speak:
Just say no to constant news
Yes, being informed is vital, but that doesn’t mean the news needs to stay on in the background all day. Limit your news exposure to maybe a few minutes in the morning and evening.
Sleep more
Sleep is one of the most important stress busters, if not THE MOST IMPORTANT. Sleep is a bonafide cure-all. It recharges both your mind and body and also helps you maintain a strong immune system to fend off illness.
Meditate, stretch, renew…
As much of our nation faces self-isolation, many proactive wellness advocates have created online classes for meditation, yoga and pretty much any other wellness activity you can think of! (Feel free to check out this guided meditation on youtube created by our good friend, Gargi Agarwala, a meditation teacher, guide and coach as well as author of “Wellthy Ways.” ) It doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you do something that’s good for you every day. Be as vigilant about self-care as you are about brushing your teeth or paying your bills. Self-care truly pays off by giving you the strength to cope with any challenges that come your way.
Remember, we are in this together, and we will get through this trying time! If you would like to schedule an appointment with us during the time we are closed, please call 303.327.7300 or email Please leave a message and your call/email will be returned within 24-48 hours.