Here at Atagi Plastic Surgery & Skin Aesthetics and BESANA Health and Wellness, we are committed to keeping you safe and healthy. In light of developments regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), now called SARS-CoV2, we have decided to temporarily close our offices as of March 16 and are scheduled to reopen on April 1. We are regularly monitoring recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Federal and our local Health Services Department. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the immediate health risk to the general American public is low. High risk individuals are those on immune-suppressive medications, those with weakened immune systems and those in poor health.
Besana Health and Wellness is taking extended measures to ensure a hygienic environment, including regular cleaning with anti-viral and anti-bacterial cleansers of common areas, beds, chairs, counters, refilling of soap and hand sanitizers, and stocking key researched products that strengthen the immune system and help reject the virus.
Do Not Panic
It is important at this time not to panic or over-react to this virus. Much of the panic is related to misinformation. At the same time, this needs to be taken seriously. It is vital to follow the simple preventive actions outlined below to protect yourself and your families.
How is the Virus Contracted?
There are four criteria of acquiring viral infections:
1. Acquisition- exposure, penetration of virus into the cell, body fails to neutralize particles.
2. Replication-Virus must replicate via human mechanisms, body fails to limit or stop replication.
3. Immunity: Immune response defends or fails to some degree to resist invaders.
4. Systemic, Cellular, and Systemic consequences progress.
5. Resolution of Virus if 1-4 steps function correctly, which is why people have already survived the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus.
What helps support the body’s ability to resist contracting viruses through the four steps of a Viral attack?
Research currently says there are a few known supportive nutraceuticals, Vitamin C which strengthens cell wall resistance, Vitamin K2D3 which decreases mRNA abundance of inflammatory cytokines and protects against respiratory infections according to British Journal of Medicine, Feb. 17,2020 and, lastly, NAC (n-acetyl Cysteine) which decreases viral replication, was used successfully in treating the Aids virus and is directly anti-viral.
Adults dose suggestions: Vitamin C: 2500mg-3500mg, Vitamin K2D3: 5000-10000 units, NAC: 1500+ mg.
Dr. Messer and Reyne at Besana Health and Wellness are here to assist you.
What about the coronavirus vaccination? There isn’t one.Symptoms of Coronavirus
The symptoms of coronavirus are fever, cough, and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. The symptoms can appear in as few as two days or as long as 14+ days after exposure.
How can you protect yourself?
Practice everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, including:
•Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
•Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
•Avoid close contact with people who are sick and animals who may be affected.
•Put distance between you and others, in general.
•Stay home when you are sick.
•Cover your mouth or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
•Clean sheets and pillowcases, using a disinfectant in wash.
•Do not sleep with animals, especially close to your face or let them lick your face and hands. Wash hands after handling them. Consider washing those precious pets also.
•Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
•Consider immune boosting and supportive nutrients, limit immune suppressive foods like excess sugar, excess alcohol, uncooked foods and possibly tainted foods.
Who is most at risk?
Right now, the greatest risk of infection is for people in China, people who have traveled to China or Italy, people who have had close contact with anyone diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus and people who have compromised immune systems, respiratory disease, autoimmune diseases, and poor general health. If you think you have been exposed to coronavirus, contact your health care provider immediately.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does not recommend the use of masks for general prevention and says that handwashing provides better protection from infectious diseases.
Now for Your Mental Health:
Are you getting enough sleep? If you are working remotely, are you showering every morning and changing into fresh clothes that aren’t pajamas? These simple self-care habits are actually soothing routines that can help you maintain much-needed balance and perspective during these uncertain times. While we can’t control Coronavirus, we can control how we take care of ourselves and others. We are in this together!
Here at Atagi Aesthetics and BESANA Health and Wellness, it is our passion and privilege to serve you. If you have an upcoming appointment during our closure that hasn’t already been rescheduled, please call 303.872.5103 or email Please leave a message and your call/email will be returned within 24-48 hours. Even though our office is closed, we are fulfilling product and supplement orders by email at or phone 303.872.5103. Dr. Tanya Atagi is available for emergencies through our main phone line, 303-327-7300. We wish to thank you for being a valued part of our practice family!